Fintech News Issue #173 June 28th, 2018

Podcasts & Videos

    Oh, The Humanity!

    — via Breaking Banks

    It’s unclear whether we are in the midst of a digital revolution or traffic jam. Chris Skinner, fintech pundit and author of the recently released Digital Human, and Michael Ventura, CEO of design agency Sub Rosa and author of Applied Empathy, join host Jason Henrichs and co-host Colleen Wilson to discuss the role of the human in a digitized, AI driven, mobile first, blockchain world and the fact both digital and human interactions are hard to get right.

Top Stories

    Why Blockchain Isn’t a Revolution

    — via Knowledge@Wharton

    The terms Bitcoin and blockchain are sometimes used interchangeably, but there’s actually some misunderstanding about the innovation. In this opinion piece, Kevin Werbach, Wharton professor of legal studies and business ethics, explains the differences among the three groups that comprise this technology: cryptocurrency, blockchain and cryptoassets.

    While it generates plenty of headlines and short-term interest, partnering and collaborating with fintech companies is more than likely doomed to fail: There is not enough substance to the relationship to make it sustainable and it is rarely ever equitable.

FinTech Articles

    Once upon a time, CFOs were considered a roadblock to innovation and digital transformation. Now they’re expected to be business leaders. And they should be.

    The 2018 Guide to Financial Marketing reveals bank and credit union strategies, priorities and challenges in 2018. With thousands of different marketing technology solutions available, it’s not surprising that many financial marketers indicated they are overwhelmed, making the adoption of new marketing technologies in banking low. This is unfortunate, since those who use advanced marketing tools are realizing significant ROI.

    Technology is an important driver of future business. Those who make use of the opportunities offered by new technologies gain competitive advantages through innovation and productivity. The earlier the potentials of trends for one’s own business model are recognised, the better they can be implemented. Munich Re analyses top technology trends for insurance companies in the Tech Trend Radar.

    How many times do you get asked that? By friends, your partner, the waitress at your favourite bar. Man alive. I’d rather be asked to do some complex mathematics. I always hesitate. I am tempted to ask how long have you got. I know you don’t actually want to hear it, but I want to tell you all about it.

    Popular Smart Contracts Overview

    — via FinTech Weekly Magazine

    Smart contracts are set to revolutionize business and the world as we know it, all within the next couple of years. These are essentially a piece of computer code that runs on the Ethereum platform and executes the terms of contracts automatically.

    While much of the discussion about Open Banking and open APIs is in the U.K., the impact of building a marketplace platform in financial services should be part of every bank and credit union strategic planning process globally. This transformation will impact the back-office, front-office and most of all, the consumer. Here are some options to consider.

    Jim Mattis, US Defence Secretary, confirmed this week that two military bases will be used as temporary areas to house the migrants that have entered the US at the Texas border. While it was not confirmed that children will be housed with their families, Trump called for deportations without a judicial process on Twitter.

    Banks are losing the data war

    — via The Finanser

    For some time now, I’ve been reflecting on a conversation about Monzo. It relates to my write-up the other day on new bank thinking, and that Monzo are clever with data. Using Google Map APIs and other services, they enrich my transaction statement so I know when, where and what I was doing when I paid for that $1,000 bottle of champagne (let you guess that one!).

    Holding a company hostage electronically is becoming the crime of choice for cyberthieves targeting banks and other businesses.

    A new report from CB Insights catalogs all the recent moves Amazon has made into financial services.

    More than $1 trillion. That’s how much analysts estimate that artificial intelligence will save the banking industry. Financial institutions should expect a 22% cost reduction in operating expenses due to AI, with most of the savings coming from the front office. But it all hinges on one thing: consumers' level of comfort with AI.

    At “Digitale Transformation”, an event series of BANKINGCLUB taking place in several German cities since 2016, traditional banks, associations, financial service providers, insurance companies, fintechs, technology and consulting companies come together to talk about digitization and its impacts on the banking industry.

    The banking sector is undergoing many changes currently, as technology is becoming increasingly important to keep up with fintech competition. It has become apparent that the space is evolving in a way that will see new technologies have an outsized impact in the next few years.

    I speak to a lot of customers about how money fits into their lives. I’ve never come across anyone who said “what I really need is a bank” or more specifically banking products like credit cards or savings accounts. Customers don’t want your products, they want to achieve their goals.

    Creating a balanced and even workflow will optimise productivity for robots – in the same way as it will for human workers.